Tuesday, August 12, 2014


It's at least 3 hours past my bedtime and another hour until the plane takes off, and after all the heat in Darwin, my brain is pretty fried. The thermostats swore it was barely 80 F and only 50% humidity, but the intensity of the sun added at least 10 degrees and 20 percent. 

Some things I think I learned: 

-Before embarking on a trip, accept that you will probably not have any coffee or alcohol quite the way you like it until you're back home and don't waste any more energy worrying about it once your plane/boat/train gets going 
-If you want to meet people you like, just start doing the things you like and don't worry about anything else 
-I am a completely different person now than I was two and a half years ago when I went to Asia, which is great because I wanted to change, but now I have to find a happy medium.
-In addition, I've accumulated a plethora of not-quite-PC conclusions on being a solo female traveler. Buy me a (dark, coffee-flavored, Oregon-brewed, >8% ABV) beer and I'll tell you all about it! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Leaving Cairns

It's 5:36 in the morning as I wait for the airport shuttle, safe from the rain under a wooden gazebo roof and safe from the noises of the jungle in the comforts of civilization. Sitting here in silence, watching the ghastly color of the pre-dusk sky peek through the palm trees, this is the first time my experience has felt remotely exotic and out of the ordinary. Sure, it has been beautiful, peaceful, exciting, breathtaking, what have you - but nothing has felt wild, unknown, unchartered, or even uncomfortably different or unusual.

These sensations of wildness, the sounds of rain against the roof and the knot in the pit of my stomach at the thought of renting a left-driving car in a mere few hours make my departure from Cairns bittersweet. It is another milestone that marks the bearing end of my trip, and this milestone is more significant than Greyhounding it up the east coast and knowing I will see familiar faces along the way. This is another plunge into the unknown for my final week, something I have yet to learn to embrace. But because it is scary, I know that it is something I must do - and the hope of better weather is not such a bad incentive! 

[backlog] Labels and Elements

I wrote this in Brisbane, while sunning, sneakily enjoying a hard cider, and openly enjoying a cheese sandwich on the riverbank.

July 18.  There are a few things that I miss about home and can't have right now, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  I mean, I could very easily make it a bad thing, but instead I'm going to step back and observe what these feelings of longing say about me.

I miss my labels.  Surprised? I should expect so.  We work so hard to break free of the boxes that others put us into - in fact, I think one of the main reasons we travel is to get out of our everyday  context and allow people to just perceive us as we are.

But I miss having the culture that comes with my labels! I chose them carefully, and by doing this, I also chose the groups of people that I interact with.  It is especially strange to be in a big city that is well suited for young people and be on the outside of the groups where I usually belong.  Here, I am not a climber.  I am not a city biker.  Nor am I an engineer, a Stanford grad, or a consultant.

Instead, I am first of all a woman, then a tourist, and then an American - all of these come with their own stigmas.  If you spend a few minutes talking to me, you will realize that I am slightly older than all of the 18 years I look and also a bit of a treehugger, considering that I didn't bring any jeans (or stilettos or make-up) with me and considering that I got extremely claustrophobic in Sydney.  

Even though these labels are slightly nicer than just being perceived as a Yankee teenager, when becoming travelers, we also become sort of faceless.  By being good travelers, we can improve the tourist image abroad, but we lose our cultural niches because we are never in one place long enough to find and re-establish it.  This is an important experience! It is liberating to be faceless.  It is educational to see the differences between who we are at home and abroad, and we can better remember our culture by living through the absence of it.

 The experience is even stranger in a place like Brisbane than in a place like Nepal - my favorite example.  In Nepal, people are more different from me, so I try to learn how they are and perhaps try to be like them so that I can better understand these differences.  Here in Brisbane, the locals are quite like me, but I am not like them because I am just passing through, temporarily stripped of the items and activities that I would have in common with them if I was in my own context. But being outside of that context forces you to get creative and think outside of your typical habits.  Having a poor wifi connection in your hostel and a much smaller bank of friendly acquaintances to draw on forces you to get the hell off your phone and go do things.  New things, in a new place, alone.

For example, right now I am picnicking on the bank of the Brisbane river, illegally drinking a hard cider that is also slightly out of its element, disguised in can instead of bottle form.  It's hard to know if I would go on an outing like this at home on a random Saturday afternoon because when I didn't have homework, I was usually off on a backpacking trip.  I think it's easy to get caught up in the briefness of the weekend and feel like you always have to be doing something - be it an errand or something fun. That's the problem with travel agencies as well - they try to make you feel like you have to see everything, do everything, and ideally have a paid expert on hand to plan and orchestrate the whole thing.  I have been so guilty of overplanning for the entire past year that I've been missing out on the simple pleasures of enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon with all the space I need to think, to create, and not have a care in the world.  Hopefully I can capture some of this Aussie laid-backness and take it back to my real life!