Monday, September 19, 2011

A Journey of Many Kinds - 1

My plane departs next Friday morning, but I feel like my journey has already started, in many ways.

The most pressing way is for me to use this week to learn how to breed stability and permanence in a constantly changing context. Why? I've found that I am less happy when something feels like a transition stage - so logically, it follows that I may be happier if I am able to put down roots.

However, I don't think that is necessarily so. Traveling and seeing new places is incredibly exciting, and I can't say that either concept of stability or permanence is all that attractive. I also love the nomadic backpacking/trekking lifestyle, where you wake up and pack up your tent and belongings and don't even have to think about what's important because all you've got on your plate is breakfast and walking.

Is it a sense of belonging, perhaps? Yet I can be in a transition stage and still have an incredible sense of belonging as a member of a global community. What I do know, though, is that there is something difficult about a day to day existence that does not allow you to get settled in, and I need to figure out what it is and find a way to bypass it.

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