Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Just the basics!

In my opinion, the two most important questions to ask when you arrive in a new country are: where do you put the toilet paper and can you drink the tap water?

In terms of the first question, when I arrived at the Barca airport, each stall had a suspiciously large trash can in it, and the characteristic smell was ever-so-slightly more prominent than the smell in its American counterparts. However, when in doubt, flush it down, so I went for the "ignorant tourist" approach and hoped for no cloggage.

In terms of the second question, I spotted some drinking water fountains outside the restrooms and similarly went for the "drink tap unless (until?) told otherwise" method.

The third most important question is probably, "Where the heck is my bus stop?" This one was resolved by dumb luck more so than sheer ignorance. After doing a couple of laps around the only part of the airport parking lot that had obvious potential to contain the bus terminal, I gave up and tried to go back inside to the information booth. Unfortunately, all the escalators connecting me to the information booth were one way in the wrong direction, but I magically stumbled onto my bus stop once I decided to look for another way to get back inside. You will arrive upon what you're looking for as soon as you stop looking, huh?!

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