Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Wonderwall,

There are many things that I would like to say to you but I don't know how.
Thailand is sort of melting my brain.
It's amazing, don't get me wrong, but after about five hours walking around in the heat when you were actively sweating just as a consequence of being alive, any remotely literary contribution I may have had to add to the blogging world seems to have evaporated.
The highlight of my day slash life was definitely going to the water treatment plant with Jessica and Patricia and attempting to ask them for a tour. The lady proceeded to explain at length how to pay our water bill. We eventually understood what she was saying and tried to explain that we are not residents, we are just tourists, Patricia asks if they have a toilet, the lady continues to tell us to call some number as we all start losing it from laughing (me especially). The lady gives us the water bill to keep and circles some number we have to call, and says to come back when we know how much we owe. We remove ourselves from the building and take five so I can stop crying and hyperventilating from laughter, typical. Don't think my explanation does it justice but it was hilarious. I highly recommend doing scavenger hunts like this when you tour places. Next up was inquiring about the visa application process at the embassy of Zaire but unfortunately, we never found it.

Class is starting soon, but two more things that need to be said:
-I miss Nepal dearly. I don't know what it is about it, and Chris hinted at the same elusive quality by saying things like "aw, don't talk about it, I miss home"! but I have such warm memories for everyone I met there, warm and made slightly spiky by the fact that I am now removed from the beautiful place and its beautiful residents. So, love to Nepal, see you again.
-I am learning a lot about communicating with people who don't speak the same language as you. Not in terms of having conversation or anything but getting a couple of basic things across, or figuring out whether or not they are understanding. Clearly that is a consequence of traveling for a long time, but it was cool to notice that I am starting to learn a technique for it.
On the note of communication, BOY is my English deteriorating.

OK time to learn woo!

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