Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fabulous Thailand

My second day in Chiangmai and the retail therapy, spa experiences* (oh boy, more on that later) and lack of dust have helped the culture shock rapidly vanish.
When I first landed in Bangkok, I felt as disoriented as I predicted I would feel when being back in the States. Where is the dust? I know it exists, where did they put it? Everything is so easy! Everyone looks so well off and it's not fair to the people who aren't! I better remember that I can't throw orange peels on the ground anymore!
Well, I'm not sure how much of that was culture shock and how much was being dazed and amazed that I made it here on schedule at all.
Because, SURPRISE! Guess who gets food poisoning on their last day in Nepal.
Guess who almost misses their flight because I can't move or get out of bed.Guess who spends an hour throwing up on the airplane AGAIN. Sound familiar? Sounds like last year!! Maybe it's a physical reaction to culture shock.
Anyway, it was a 24 hour thing once again, maybe I just have a physical reaction to impending culture shock, WTF.
Landed in Bangkok, got driven in a car with seat belts to my $24 hotel which had AIR CONDITIONING, 24 hour electricity (no more load shedding woo), a balcony with a view, free water, and a pristine bathroom. I got in t 8:50 PM, admired the view briefly out of my balcony and made the executive decision that I was not going anywhere except sleep. So I took a lukewarm shower, marveling at the fact that I wasn't freezing and the cool ish water felt nice, and passed out in my bed, briefly reflecting on the fact that I was eyebrows-to-the-sky psyched to be sleeping without a wool hat or long sleeves for the first time in months.
Flew to Chiangmai the next day and was still totally dazed when I met up with Chris. After mailing the rest of my warm clothes home from the airport, we managed to stuff both of my huge backpacks and two people on a motor bike and headed to his wonderful home. I got to meet Tingting, went out to lunch with some people, and then my spa adventures began.

I am walking down the street looking for a pedicure or maybe leg waxing, something a normal person would start with when transitioning from four months of long pants to a less conservative beach culture. But noo, I happen to sign up for a Brazilian wax at the first place I get a good vibe from. Dear bikini and beyond, here's some scalding hot wax followed by hair ripping by the follicle, WELCOME TO THAILAND! 
The whole thing took about an hour, done by two female staff. I could have definitely stayed for a back or foot massage after but left as to not have them think I was flirting with them or looking for special services.
I decided then that I would never do it again, but my memory is quickly fading and I am thinking it was not quite so bad. 
The pedicure is still on the list.
Today I spent a couple of hours at immigration then found a fabulous cafe with a fast, free computer, and now I am doing research on dating and romance in Thailand for my presentation. Fun?
Other activities have included buying shoes and failing to meditate for three days now.
Dear Self-Improvement, how have you been replaced with Bridget Jones-esque motives so quickly?

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