Friday, January 13, 2012

I'd like to change the world, it's easier than changing me

Four more days left in Nepal, then I get to complain about the heat instead of the cold! Woo hoo!
Mana, Liana, and her brother Alex were visiting this week and we did the Ghorepani Ghandruk loop again (no guide this time.) No spontaneous base camp trip, either. It snowed on days 2 and 3, while days 1 and 4 were warmer. We found a spectacular lodge in Ghandruk with a huge porch and PIPING hot water.

Said bye to the friends today, finished Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, spent two hours doing various Internet errands and still going strong. Darn California grad schools holding out on admissions decisions, ahh! That is not a valid complaint as some application deadlines have not even passed yet, but it feels like worlds and ages since I have applied. Oh well, not knowing is keeping my stateside plans as up in the air and exciting as I intended them to be.

I felt good today, different. Kind of like soon the ways I've changed will be revealed to me, and I have a good feeling about this upcoming revelation. Or maybe it is the opposite - I already feel different and it makes me happy that I can see it tangibly.

Not sure how, though.

I think the biggest lesson I am coming away with is that people are everything. Surround yourself with good people. Build lasting relationships. You need good, loving people like you need food - it is nourishment, it is everything. But don't subject yourself to toxic people. It is better to fast than ingest poison.

So I am just filled with so much love and happiness for all the new and old friends I have been fortunate enough to interact with. It was so wonderful to catch up with Mana and Liana - people you have known for a while and you can skip the small talk and just be. There is really nothing more valuable than family and good friends.

And let people be imperfect - let your friends, family, and loved ones be cranky every once in a while. Let them be unfair, lazy, tired, greedy, whatever. Humor them, help them, be patient, make exceptions. Then they will do the same for you. Your donation of unconditional goodness and the love you get back is all that makes the world go round.

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